NetworkNetwork: Guides

What AC Means in Routers?

A number follows AC in the names of all wireless routers. Tenda AC9 AC1200 routers, for example, TP-Link Archer C7, AC1750 routers, etc. What exactly does this AC followed by a number mean? Does the number after AC indicate how fast the router is? Is a router with AC1900…
How ToMiscMisc: How To

How to Improve Cables Longevity

Electrical cables and wires serve as the foundation of every industrial setting or factory. Suppose cables fail or are disrupted, even for a few moments. In that case, the entire system comes to a standstill, resulting in significant downtime and loss. Furthermore, sensitive…
OfficeOffice: How To

How to Increase Print Speed

It’s a fascinating revelation for many businesses that you can boost printer speeds even on machines you already possess. While you might believe that a printer must produce at a fixed speed defined by the manufacturer, many machines do provide some level of…