ComputingComputing: Guides

Mistakes When Buying a New PC

mistakes when buying new pc

With the festival time approaching, you may be considering purchasing a new system. Consider your wants and need and what is essential to you to guarantee that you are satisfied with your choice.

It’s simple to go to Best Buy, Amazon, or any electronics retailer and get a system. The question is whether you purchase the right one for you or not.

Users make many typical mistakes when buying a new PC, and it becomes a headache for them; therefore, you should avoid a few mistakes when purchasing a PC.

In this post, we’ll go through some common mistakes when buying a new PC. Let’s get started!

Buying the Cheapest Available Device

The cheapest PC does not necessarily imply it will do the work you want or have all the qualities you want. Suppose you’re choosing between a quad-core and a dual-core CPU. You need to run many apps at the same time, but you choose the dual-core CPU since it is less costly.

You now own a system that isn’t as strong as your tasks require, and that issue will nag you until it’s time to purchase again.

Instead of going for the cheapest device, choose one that will genuinely meet your demands and then cross-reference it with your budget.

Focusing On One Number Only

This is the most basic mistake made by users. When discussing computers, a lot of numbers are thrown around. If you are just concerned with one number, you may overlook others that are equally essential.

Many customers, for example, are worried about purchasing an Intel Core i7 CPU over an i5, but it’s not that straightforward. It all gets down to, among other things, the number of processor cores and threads.

Define your requirements and compare how specific elements operate in comparison to the others.

Opting for the Highest Available Resolution

A portable gadget with an 4K display is undoubtedly worth more than a casual glance, but it’s not always the best option. The reason is that the smaller screens don’t allow you to fully appreciate the increased quality.

In addition, 4K displays might have a significant influence on your device’s battery life. Many 4K devices have poor endurance with higher resolution screens, and you won’t experience many advantages.

Unless you’re purchasing a high-end gaming PC or one with a large screen, you should usually go with 1080p to save money and battery life.

Not Reading Reviews

Because there are so many factors to consider when purchasing a system, reading reviews is very crucial. A beautiful PC or laptop may appear nice, but is it well-built? Does it excel in a variety of tasks? These are all critical issues that PC evaluations often look into.

Rather than trusting your intuition or the marketing copy on the website, read quite as many reviews as possible before making a decision.

You will discover any nasty surprises before giving over your money this way instead of knowing about them the hard way.

Not Testing It Out Before Purchasing

What if the keypad or mouse is unpleasant to use, the sound quality is poor, or the touchscreen is slow? Avoid this massive mistake.

Although if you decide to buy yours online, it is still recommended that you visit your local store and test out that exact model. Examine how it looks, how this listens to music, and, most importantly, whether you have any doubts about it. If something doesn’t feel right, ignore it.

You should look for features of the PC you want to buy and any problems there with the PC. After all, through the checking process, you can buy the PC if it is compatible with your requirements.

Buying the Correct RAM

Buying more RAM over your CPU and system support is an expensive mistake. Furthermore, do not purchase more RAM than the other parts can handle.

For instance, if you purchase RAM that works at 3600MHz, but your motherboard only allows 1600MHz, the RAM will only run at 1600MHz, losing its complete capacity.

Focusing Too Much on Storage Space

The majority of the industry has embraced SSD storage. It’s crucial to remember that SSDs are far quicker than spinning hard drives and may make a significant difference in how quickly your system boots and how snappy and responsive it feels. However, a lesser capacity SSD is nearly always preferable.

If you need extra storage space, external hard drives are plentiful, and there are several great cloud storage solutions for storing films, images, and music. When paired with an external hard drive or cloud storage, a 128GB or 256GB SSD should be plenty for most individuals.

PC Is Future-Proof

The finest aspect of owning a PC is the user’s ability to update over time and stay up to date with the current standards.

So, before purchasing the PC, make sure that there are numerous RAM slots, that the PSU is powerful enough to support a more powerful GPU, and that the motherboard has extra storage spaces.

Also, get components that support the most recent technology, such as PCIe 5.0, DDR5, and next-generation hardware, to ensure that the system lasts as long as possible before requiring a total overhaul. You should not purchase an outdated PC that cannot run the most recent applications.


Laptops, in particular, are vulnerable to theft and damage. Getting the correct warranty from the start will help you reduce downtime if something goes wrong with your computer.

One of the reasons customers like Dell devices is their excellent warranties. Many of them come with a one-year guarantee, but you can generally purchase an extended warranty for a fee.


Your tastes, specs requirements and even aesthetic preferences will decide which PC is perfect for you. Of course, you’ll want to make an informed decision, so read reviews, conduct research, and compare any data before purchasing.

By following these easy guidelines, you may avoid making some frequent computer-buying blunders. Do your analysis ahead of time and examine pricing and qualities, and never spend more money than you can afford.

About author

A finance major with a passion for all things tech, Uneeb loves to write about everything from hardware to games (his favorite genre being FPS). When not writing, he can be seen in his natural habitat reading, studying investments, or watching Formula 1.

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