LaptopsLaptops: Guides

Can an iPad Really Replace a Laptop?

Technology users frequently inquire whether an iPad might replace a laptop. The simple answer is that yes, the new iPad models have the potential. iPad has a Microsoft Office version. It includes a web browser. It can watch and listen to various media types (except maybe for…
LaptopsLaptops: Guides

How Long Does a Laptop Usually Last?

Since you are reading this article, it’s highly probable that you’re a laptop owner. And as any laptop owner knows, how long does a laptop last is one of the questions that hunt us all. Kidding aside, laptops are inherently more fragile than desktops, and one of the…
LaptopsLaptops: Guides

Laptop Fan Making Noise: What to do?

Hearing a laptop fan noise is concerning and disconcerting. A laptop fan making noise is a sure-fire sign of something going very wrong… right? This article will delve into why a laptop fan making noise might be worrisome or might not be something to worry about. In either…
LaptopsLaptops: Guides

What Laptop Size do You Really Need?

Calling something a ‘laptop’ might be a vivid example of applying the philosophical concepts of relative thinking to technology: everyone would picture something vastly different, with varying expectations of size, storage, speed, power, portability, and connectivity…